Vinayak Enterprises

Casting in Bhiwadi

Finds Application In :

Hydroelectric plants
Locomotive industry
Power Generation Industry
Cryogenic Applications
Machine tools industry
Petroleum industry

Castings, Patterns and Molds

Wooden Pattern

We manufacture Wooden Pattern from teakwood Material & also from MDF Material.  Material Selection is depending on customer requirement & cost.  We use Iron Sheet for long life &good rigidity of wooden pattern. Wooden Pattern are generally use low quantity parts & Use for heavy weight parts. Wooden Pattern can use in Co2 sand molding process,  molasses Sand Molding Process, Nobake sand Molding process.

We Offer :

  • Follow Board Mounted Wooden Patterns
  • Parting line Wooden Patterns

Specialty :

  • Dimensional precision
  • Molder friendly design
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Resistance to stress
  • Resistant to termites and other insects
  • Long service life